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Writer's picture"Mouth" Cherot

From the Producer's Journal - 28.11.19

Things at La Victoria Productions are really starting to take off for us at the moment and we are so appreciative to have so many new fans and old fans supporting our current efforts. Things are looking up as even the commute to my day job has become more colourful!


Enano and I have been through the script enough times to make our head spin. Step two is sending it out to some of our film-making friends to get feedback and make it even tighter than before. Rest assured we are dedicated to breaking out the script and getting this short shot before the summer. Exciting times! Enano seems to love that I have taken the script in a different direction than we originally thought, but I am just hoping it scares the crap out of someone!

Dirty 20

From a small idea, this YouTube Channel and community is growing and fast. Enano, our resident Dungeon Master, is on his own quest to get all of you playing D&D regularly, whether you a noob or veteran. We've shot episodes 3 and 4 and are editing now and even managed to get in some unboxing videos which you can see some behind the scenes shots from below. We had help from my dog Boo (who is actually going to feature twice in this blog post) and my wife Becky who helped take the BTS photos. They were both rather miffed when we had to rush them off set to make sure our sound recording was not ruined!

We will be releasing a video a week, but may stick in some extra content, sub-videos or other things to help you unlock your creative potential via D&D. We very much want this to be community for everyone, so please feel free to comment, like and subscribe. Feel free to drop us an e-mail if you would like to contribute or have any topics you would really like to see.

What are you guys talking about!?

We have now put up the first two episodes on the website and Soundcloud of our podcast show What are you guys talking about!? (queue my mother's thick Brooklyn accent). A simple premise of Enano (not Boo as pictured) and I talking about a current TV series or film from an indie filmmaker view and whatever else we decide to tackle during the podcast (and we do enjoy getting horribly sidetracked). For me, it's my favourite morning commute track, but I am biased after all! We are currently discussing the new BBC show, His Dark Materials. Next week's episode will catch us up to the rest of you as we discuss His Dark Materials Episodes 3 and 4.

What else!

At the moment, we are finding ourselves quite busy with the above three projects so for now it's content, content, content. We hope to expand the website and our offering as time goes one, but we want to ensure the quality of what we are doing does not slip and we only pursue projects that are close to our heart. We'd love to hear from you so feel free to reach out and let us know what you think of the revamped LVP and the things we are doing.

Until next time! Happy Thanksgiving you turkeys!

Jason "Mouth" Cherot - 28 November 2019

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